
Principles of Effective Mediation

The Principles to Successful Resolutions You might be interested in mediation as a means of resolving your divorce-related issues, but the concept of mediation might be foreign to you. You might have an idea of how mediation works, but more information might help. To give you a better picture of how mediation works, we’ve outlined […]

Avoiding Co-Parent Conflict Over the Holidays

Keeping the Peace Throughout the Season With the many places your children may have to be throughout the holidays or the many times you may have to pick up or drop off your children, the holiday season can be a difficult time for co-parents. Often trying to balance regular responsibilities with holiday obligations can become […]

Questions to Ask a Divorce Mediator

Gaining More Information About Your Representation Determining who will be your divorce mediator is almost as important of a decision as the decision to get a divorce in the first place. One of the things you can do to help you as you make your decision is to ask questions of the mediators that you […]

Does Mediation Differ By Subject?

Mediation Services For Multiple Issues Mediation offers couples an excellent alternative to litigation that can save time and money. Couples considering mediation can explore this option for many important family law issues, such as alimony and child custody, but does the topic change how the process looks? Here’s what you need to know. What to […]

How Much Does Divorce Mediation Cost?

Saving Money and Time One of the biggest concerns many people have when it comes to ending their marriage is the overall cost of the process. Understandably so, ending a marriage can be a costly procedure that can cause a bit of financial fear. Fortunately, divorce mediation can ultimately end up saving parties both time […]

Divorce Mediation FAQs

Common Divorce Mediation Questions If you and your spouse are considering divorce mediation, it goes without saying that you both have many questions. At Fairwell Family Law Mediation, we have the answers that you’ll need to know to make an informed decision. Why Choose Divorce Mediation? Going through a divorce is never an easy process. […]

Who Pays for Mediation in a Divorce?

Who is Responsible for Mediation Costs? If you and your spouse have decided that you want to proceed with divorce mediation, you’re probably glad that you’ll be avoiding expensive court litigation. Although mediation is a more financially friendly way to divorce, there are still some expenses that you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse should know about. […]

Coping with The Emotional Effects of Divorce

Handling the Challenges of Divorce No matter how you slice it, going through a divorce is not easy. Not only can it be financially taxing, but it can also be emotionally draining. When your world has suddenly turned upside down, it can leave you distracted, stressed, and sad all at once. While it may seem […]

How to Co-Parent with a Difficult Ex

Co-Parenting With a Difficult Ex Parenting can be challenging enough, but what can make it that much more difficult is when you have an ex-spouse that is disagreeable or doesn’t communicate well. Not only can co-parenting arguments take a toll and add more stress to your life, but they can also be detrimental to the […]

What to Expect From Child Custody Mediation

Divorcing couples who have children are faced with a unique set of challenges. Not only is divorce an emotionally stressful and exhausting process, but it also has an impact on the children involved. However, divorcing parents may find that child custody mediation can make the divorce process as a whole go smoother for everyone involved, […]